I am Associate Professor in the Section for Cognitive Systems at the Technical University of Denmark; and researcher in computational social science.

I received a BSc in physics in 2012 from the University of Turin, Italy; a MSc in physics of Complex Systems in 2014 from the École normale supérieure de Lyon, France; and a PhD in applied mathematics in 2018 from City, University of London, UK. My PhD advisor was Andrea Baronchelli. I was a postdoctoral fellow in the team of Sune Lehmann at the Section for Cognitive Systems, Technical University of Denmark and at the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, University of Copenhagen 2018-2020.

I focus on understanding aspects of human online and offline behaviour using large-scale data, and methods from Complex Systems and Computational Social Science. My research led to discoveries on fundamental aspects of how humans move and interact with space, including the trade-off between exploration and exploitation in visiting patterns, the interplay between social and mobility behaviours, and the effect of spatial scales on travel. I am also interested in topics of societal interest, including gender gaps in mobility, the impact of air quality on mobility and physical activity, navigation in urban multimodal transport systems, and the spread of epidemics.

In 2021 my research was awarded the the Tietgen Award by the Danish Society for Education and Business. Last year, I was general chair of the 2023 edition of the International Conference in Computational Social Science.

curriculum vitae CV as pdf
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research group

Silvia De Sojo Caso (PhD Student)
Federico Delussu (PhD Student)


Laura Alessandretti
Department of Computer Science and Mathematics & Section of Cognitive Systems
Technical University of Denmark
Office 110
Building 321
2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Email: lauIaledon't@wantspam! Sopleasedtleave ume.aloned!k
Phone: +45 45253472